Just some thoughts. They probably don’t make perfect sense. I wish there was more space in life for wandering explorations without firm arrivals.
On that note, here are some winding melodies that came up today and felt best amidst silence. Thinking of doing this more for my community here.
Sound for grounding.
Close your eyes while you listen. Dim one sense to deepen another.
My Endless Pursuit of Nothingness
In my endless pursuit of nothingness
I am but carried away
by the lure of worldly aching
and lust for what they call the dream
But in my quiet moments
I wish not for euphoria
I wish for the willpower of mountains
To be still
and know God
What if some faith fully realized
could move them in one moment?
Do they patiently wait for that narrow passage
outside of space-and-time-bound laws?
The time will come
for them too
to change and become an expression
there is no foreword for
That is why I fear
the unknown
Yet there are songs
that wish to carve
form out of my ephemeral shadow
I seek the will of a mountain
to stay in perfect love
to ground in being
the mounting scalp of Mother Earth
Pushing up toward Heaven
but never hurried so
There is no virtue in the
toil of impatience
But in giving up one’s will
to the force at work
in every living thing
I set free the bondage
of craving
and hurrying toward what
cannot be found in the confine of straight lines
but in the depth of a circle
In all that arrives
moment by moment
Your will not mine
The will that stills a mountain
The void reflected in my eye
i feel the same struggle between a desire to reach for worldly success and seeking inner wisdom, peace and self-realization. Thank you for expressing it. You might like this quote from David Byrne: "I wouldn't be surprised if poetry - poetry in the broadest sense, in the sense of a world filled with metaphor, rhyme, and recurring patterns, shapes, and designs - is how the world works. The world isn't logical; it's a song."
hi Kimbra ... I'm a Swiss guy , and my knowledge of the english language is best to be called ' basic'. So excuse my writing , or my limited vocabulary .... I made some experiences in that field of mastering nature in a most unexpected way ... 1. It was in the appartment of my grandmother where a realised ( she just moved in ) that some big trees were clouding the hole apartment . She barely left the house . Little sunshine would be good for here . But I knew that she had some quarrels with the neighbors on witch ground the trees were standing . So no chance there . A little time later a storm has thrown down exactly those trees , even without harming enybodies property . . .2. I was once camping in a tent . ( a very good one ) .. when a thunderstorm broke out , to that power that I started to fear for my life . It was night , the wind was shaking the tent fiercefuly ,there was constant thunder and lightning going on . At a certain moment a thought a have to do something ..... I lit a candle .... a less sofisticated tent would have been already down on the ground ..... what I probably should ad ; I found myself on a relatively steep slope of a small hillside . Witch was already heavely erodet . So if it would have started to rain ...... so there was a real danger . So I managed to alight the candel .... and a second later the storm was gone....as if the candle was the switch . 🦋