i feel the same struggle between a desire to reach for worldly success and seeking inner wisdom, peace and self-realization. Thank you for expressing it. You might like this quote from David Byrne: "I wouldn't be surprised if poetry - poetry in the broadest sense, in the sense of a world filled with metaphor, rhyme, and recurring patterns, shapes, and designs - is how the world works. The world isn't logical; it's a song."

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Love that quote wow. Songs are circles too! This also seems like a better understanding of time than the linear one we most often adopt....

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hi Kimbra ... I'm a Swiss guy , and my knowledge of the english language is best to be called ' basic'. So excuse my writing , or my limited vocabulary .... I made some experiences in that field of mastering nature in a most unexpected way ... 1. It was in the appartment of my grandmother where a realised ( she just moved in ) that some big trees were clouding the hole apartment . She barely left the house . Little sunshine would be good for here . But I knew that she had some quarrels with the neighbors on witch ground the trees were standing . So no chance there . A little time later a storm has thrown down exactly those trees , even without harming enybodies property . . .2. I was once camping in a tent . ( a very good one ) .. when a thunderstorm broke out , to that power that I started to fear for my life . It was night , the wind was shaking the tent fiercefuly ,there was constant thunder and lightning going on . At a certain moment a thought a have to do something ..... I lit a candle .... a less sofisticated tent would have been already down on the ground ..... what I probably should ad ; I found myself on a relatively steep slope of a small hillside . Witch was already heavely erodet . So if it would have started to rain ...... so there was a real danger . So I managed to alight the candel .... and a second later the storm was gone....as if the candle was the switch . 🦋

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Feb 2Edited

Thoughts like these are necessary even if they are difficult to receive and carry. Without them we wouldn’t have a yearning for that perfect Kingdom and country whose ruler is God. As someone with a rather Ecclesiastical mind I say, thank you for sharing thoughts like this. Almost nobody does anymore.

God bless

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I love your voice without words and your words unvoiced. Your voiced words with your reversed image are also nice. :)

Whenever I hear it said that faith can move mountains, I often picture a person carrying away the dirt of a mountain one shovelful at a time, persisting in the belief that the monumental task would some day be completed, if not in one's lifetime, then eventually by someone in another generation with the same faith. I've never thought of it as faith alone that moved the mountain, but faith accompanied by action and persistence.

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Wow I love that interpretation Michael! Yes, faith seems to be synonymous sometimes with patience. It's not one huge exertion of swaggering belief -- but a slow trust and you're right so much change is not seen in our lifetimes and it takes humility to acknowledge that but work toward the world we know is possible nonetheless...

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This is absolutely beautiful! 🩷

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Yes, Michael one shovel or spoonful like in Shawshank Redemption - patience, faith, determination all matter but yes one little bit at a time!

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Wonderful 🏔️❤️🏔️

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Thank you for sharing.

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I think there’s something to thinking of “People” as all of us united. If we all had faith in each other, faith in a better world, and we all stood up for it together, nothing could stop us. If you can’t find faith in a higher power, look to have faith in humanity.

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And, when we refer to scripture, we are point to the Word and that Word was made Flesh in our Lord, Jesus Christ. I could always see Christ in you from the start. But being human, we meander about in sin. I hope and pray that this is a return to that anchor which steadies your thoughts and inspires your words.

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Raw and meandering, the start of something, turning nothing into something.

Ohh, your Acapella reminded me of your Intimate Sonic Performances of old. I think you have something there.

Have you ever considered singing Rhythm and Blues? I saw the Elvis movie last night and was amazed at how he was struck by the music at such a young age and it just gripped him and excuded from him…

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This is beautiful. You are inspirational!

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