Jan 15Liked by Kimbra

And this skin... we wear... feels foreign, heavy and thick....

Sure, it is us. It is ours. It is my own flesh.

I thought we, I, was over this. You sweat & I bled to shed it.

We barely crawled out of that mess. And, oh... didn't they celebrate? Something about a Phoenix, it was hard hear with a mouth full of shed & ashes.

The thought of my bones collapsing thru that old me, listening to muffled cracks beside you all those endlessly grueling nights and infinite sour days... discarding the corpse ...I get a clammy cold, slimy chill under the loosely draping skin-suit that's on me... again.

How, really, are we back here?

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Remembrance is a big theme energetically on Earth in this time. We’re all being called to face the spaces we’ve abandoned for fear they couldn’t be loved or put together in a way that makes sense to others. There is so much grief that accompanies remembrance because we suddenly remember the ways we’ve been let down by others and have perpetuated the cycle by letting ourselves down as well.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve found the energies of the New Year to be the flames of transformation—whoof! In the best *and* most uncomfortable ways. I’ve found comfort in the saying, the only way to get through it is to *go* through it, which is exactly what you’re writing about as you witness the dissonance. Just writing to let you know I witness your journey and I know *exactly* what you’re going through. 💙

Also, the energies are set to settle soon. They’re just shaking us up to get the crust out of the corners so we can live and love from the purest of vessels.

If you haven’t yet heard “The Waves We Give” by Beautiful Chorus I feel you’ll resonate with it! 💙🩵💙🌊

Sending you lots of love!



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"Read the words you wrote for yourself when you felt clear." Yes, what a way for your present self to allow your past self to treat you with self-compassion. The birth analogy feels so appropriate too. We come into these times in our lives like you're describing and often think of it as death when in fact it is the painful process of being born, like Lhasa de Sela said,

'My father says that birth is so chaotic and violent that he’s sure that at the moment of birth we’re all thinking ’This is it. This is death. This is the end of my life’

And then we’re born and it’s such a surprise because it’s just the beginning..."

Thank you for these reflections!

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> Gaze at your navel if you must, for it is the point of severance, the place where you first experienced separation.

thank you for sharing with the world.

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There's something oddly comforting about the static of the two walls you have pictured here, even in the photo of the leaf on the ground. Each speaks of stillness, almost trepidation, melancholy that has hope in it, too. Yet each also contains an element of motion, the constant of changing light, of a sudden gust of wind that might displace that leaf.

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"Break" or "Breaking" is a reoccurring word


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"Write through it." Thanks for saying this out loud. Writing matters, especially the hardest of all, lyrics.

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Gotta say when I read this, I got concerned. Hope all is well. Remember me… Till next time…. loaded! Either way, it sounds that you are perhaps in that winter after the fertility and warmth of creation. Know you have people to help you steer through this storm. Apologies if I am way off!

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Wow! Just wow! Thank you so much for this one. ❤️🙏

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